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Thank you for taking the time out of your day to visit my blog. Take care, stay safe and God bless!

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Twice as hot...

This was a quick 3 mile run to get the rusty gears turning again.  I am way behind the power curve from last year.  I have been busy but I think I’ll have more time to run now. 

The temperature is twice as hot here (and will only get hotter) so I’ll have to figure out a training plan that will keep the mileage going.  As soon as I figure out the plan, I’ll post it to the page.
Until then, happy running and stay safe!  

Happy running and God bless!
"Fight the good fight, finish the race, and always keep faith"
2 Timothy 4:7


  1. Thanks, I've been putting on some miles but haven't had a chance to post yet...
