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Saturday, January 22, 2011

4-mile treadmill workout

Today’s planned 2 mile speed-workout was changed to a 4 mile run instead.  I received some encouragement late last night and was motivated to double my run today.  Thanks for the encouragement people (you know who you are)!  “God bless ya!”

Well, I set my treadmill speed to 7.0 mph and zero incline (equivalent pace of about 8:50 per mile).  It was a comfortable pace and I thought the run went well.  I will attempt a run tomorrow if my legs are up for it, otherwise it will be a day off.  Tomorrow is also my weigh-in day too, and I am very curious to see what effect this last week’s running offered….. 

I spent a few minutes on my half-marathon training plan ~ it is similar to the one I used last year.  I was only able to accomplish about 140 miles on the training plan a year ago, but last year’s distractions are hopefully a thing of the past!  Hopefully there will be no more hospital visits/admissions, last-minute injuries, etc. 

Here’s a copy of my proposed training plan so you can follow along (run it with me, I encourage you)!  For some of you runners, this training plan may not be enough…..  I think it is just right for my needs! 

(Click on image for full size)
Thanks for the visit!  Check back tomorrow for the weigh-in results (and potential run).
P.S. I changed some things: I added “like/dislike” buttons (below each blog post), more links (right), and changed the theme.  I like it, but let me know what you think (about the training plan, website, or anything in general).  And please, keep it constructive ~ thanks in advance!
Happy running and God bless! 2 Tim 4:7

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