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Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Another Milestone.....

I accomplished something today that I have never done before on two feet: I’ve logged over 100 miles this month (and I still have one more run left tomorrow)!  I have achieved this fete before on a bicycle (and in my car) but never imagined running distances like this; I am truly amazed, thankful and blessed…..

(click image for fullsize)

Unfortunately I feel pretty miserable now and cannot stop sneezing!  My sinuses feel like they are on fire and my lungs are cold.  I am going to celebrate tonight’s milestone with 1.) a wonderfully cooked dinner: a huge plate of garlic spaghetti (wife’s family recipe).  2.) Hot bath. 3.) And go to bed early….. 

Happy running and God bless!
"Fight the good fight, finish the race, and always keep faith"
2 Timothy 4:7

First-ever month with over 100 miles running!

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